Wednesday, March 10, 2021

March Grades 3-4 Book Club: The One and Only Bob

 For March's Grades 3-4 Book Club, we read the book The One and Only Bob by Katherine Applegate. Alex and Emily was present. Here's what we discussed! 

How does Bob feel about the phrase “man’s best friend,” which he heard on a TV show he watched with Ivan? Why does that phrase make him so angry? 

Discuss how Bob's early experiences in life shaped his personality. What does Bob mean when he says, “When you’re an animal, it helps to be a realist”? (p. 32)


Compare Bob’s character with Ivan’s. How were their early lives different and how were they similar? Why do you think Ivan was so accepting of Bob sleeping on his stomach when he first came to the mall?


Discuss the difference between Bob’s friendship with Ivan and Ruby and his interactions with Minnie and Moo, the guinea pigs, and Nutwit, the squirrel. Why does he dislike Snickers, the poodle?


According to Bob, what are the biggest differences between dogs and humans? What is the one human feature that he says he would find very useful? 


Why does Bob hate to walk past the animal shelter? Describe his feelings about the animals he can hear in the shelter. What does he mean when he says, “. . . the shelter harshes my mellow.”? (p. 77)


Compare Bob’s stories about his conversations with Droolius, when he was a stray, and with Kimu the wolf, when he visits the zoo. How does Bob feel about their different environments and their interactions with humans?


Describe Bob’s impressions of the zoo and the animals that live with his friends Ivan and Ruby. What does he mean when he says he is considered “enrichment” at the zoo? (p. 102) 

Why doesn’t Bob like Kinyani?


Why has Bob never told anyone the secret that haunts him? Why does he think he is really a coward? 

Describe the ways in which Bob shows bravery at the zoo after the tornado and at the animal shelter later.


How does Ruby come up with the idea to save the baby gorilla Kudzoo? 

Why do the other elephants allow Ruby to go with Bob to find Ivan? Why does Bob call Ruby “wise beyond her years”? (p. 191)


Why hasn’t Bob told any of his animal friends about Boss? Why did he not look for her on the highway? What does he mean when he says, “There’s a certain freedom that comes with owning your faults”? (p. 234)


Compare Boss’s experience of the last several years to Bob’s. How has her life experience affected her feelings about people? What does Boss mean when she says, “I’ve had to forgive myself plenty, just, you know, to get through the day”? (p. 256) Why is it so hard for Bob to forgive himself?


Why does Bob go to look for Boss’s puppy? What does he mean when he says to Ivan, “I let her down once, and now, well, I have a second chance”? (p. 290) 

What is the bravest thing Bob does in his rescue of Rowdy? How have Bob’s feelings about people changed throughout this story?

If the author writes another story about this group of animals (a Ruby story or one about Kimu, perhaps?), do you think you will read it?

Please rate this book between 1 and 5, with 1 being the worst and 5 the best.

-2 Fives!

Book Club will be meeting on Wednesday, April 14 at 3:30 p.m. We will be reading The 13 Story Treehouse by Andy Griffiths. We will be meeting via Zoom. 

Who wouldn't want to live in a treehouse? Especially a 13-story treehouse that has a bowling alley, a see-through swimming pool, a tank full of sharks, a library full of comics, a secret underground laboratory, a games room, self-making beds, vines you can swing on, a vegetable vaporiser and a marshmallow machine that follows you around and automatically shoots your favourite flavoured marshmallows into your mouth whenever it discerns you're hungry. Life would be perfect for Andy and Terry if it wasn't for the fact that they have to write their next book, which is almost impossible because there are just so many distractions, including thirteen flying cats, giant bananas, mermaids, a sea monsters pretending to be mermaids, enormous gorillas, and dangerous burp gas-bubblegum bubbles!

Books are already available. Please be sure to register so that Miss Colleen can email you the Zoom password!

May Grades 3 & 4 Book Suggestions

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